Saturday, November 26, 2011

Viradyne Link180 has done it again! They have not only created a great site similar to Yahoo, Bing, MSN or AOL, but they have also allowed anyone that needs to earn more money....anyone that has a passion to do something greater than themselves....anyone that has a vision to do something tap into the $20 billion a year search engine industry that is currently dominated by the Big Four: Yahoo, Google, Bing and AOL. 

All Viradyne Link180 asks is that you make them your homepage and share it with at least 5 other people that do the exact same thing. It's not rocket science and it's not a fly by night business. It's a legitimate work from home business that can mean some real cash.....for You and your family. 

Viradyne Link180 has also made some powerful changes that will help the field (you and me) be more effective.....resulting in more cash in our pockets. Now anytime there is a new signup, the new signup homepage will automatically be set to 'Link180' and they will also receive a Link180 toolbar so that they can do searches no matter what site they go too. So no more trying to hunt people down to show them how to make Link180 their homepage and more revenue from the increased searches. All they have to do is log in, do their normal searches and they are good to go!

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