Friday, December 2, 2011

Get Rid Of The Bag Of Excuses and Get Paid

With the explosion of the internet and new people daily looking for opportunities on the internet, it seems as if everyone is trying to get the one big sale or trying to get to the top of a compensation system that in most businesses only supports 2% of it's members while everyone is stuck at the bottom holding them up.  And they try to do it selling ridiculous products that people don't really need or that they can get for free.  Some of these programs include: gold dust, text messages sent to your phone by advertisers (who in the hell want's their telephone turned into an junk email inbox), programs that promise to brand you (heck, I'm branded by writing free blogs, making Youtube videos and etc), programs that cost $10 a month, programs that get you to join for free and then up-sell you for $100's so you can be in the 'inner circle' group. Or how about programs that promise to give you all these great tools and when you join they ask you to pay more to get what they already promised you and a trash bag full of more.  And if a handful do achieve a little success they believe that they've gotten the "Holy Grail." Bull.  

Those that have acquired wealth understand that massive success  doesn't come from the one big sale that people make once or twice if at all.  It's comes from multiple transactions (10 cents here, 5 cents there, 2 cents here and a 1 penny over there) using a medium that most people are doing, but few people ever get paid from it.  

Who on the internet doesn't use a search engine?  Who on the internet doesn't use the yellow pages to the information highway?  Everyone does.  Everyone that uses the internet uses a search engine.  Why do you think Facebook is going into this business?.... to tap into that same $20 billion a year industry that you can claim part of today. This is a total no-brainer.  There is nothing to consider.  There is nothing to think about. There is nothing to decide.  You don't have to ask your upline if it's ok to do it.  You don't have to ask your mom if it's ok to do it. You don't have to ask your friend that has never earned a penny online, if it's ok to do it.  If I have to put food on the table and get a job, I don't have to ask someone if it's ok to do it.  I just do it. That's what we call leadership.  That's what leaders do.

The best opportunities that are in existence today are businesses that capitalize on advertising dollars. Why?  Because regardless of what happens in the world, people will have to advertise to keep money in their pocket.  How do you think the rich stay rich?  Advertising.  And they use all or part of your money to do it.  Advertising is simply taking the dollars that you have already spent on a product or service and redirecting it through some type of ad or advert so that more of your hard earned money is spent to buy more of the same product or service.

If you could get all or part of this money back, would you do it?
If you could tap into this funnel of free cash without any investment or any up-selling, would you do it?  If you knew for a fact that this could change your life and that of your family, would you do it?  If you knew that this simple website could put $100's, $1,000's or more in your pocket every month, would you do it?  If you answered yes, then welcome aboard to Link180.  You've just made the wisest decision in your life.

Now there are going to be some people out there that won't see it.... because it's too simple.  They don't understand that 'Simple' makes money.  The reason that McDonald's is so successful is that they took a product that everyone loves and created a simple system....a simple business model around it.  That's why you can go to any McDonald's in the world and see it being run efficiently by high school kids.  Viradyne Link180 is not meant to be hard.  It's not meant to be complex.  It's meant to be easy.  It's meant to be free.  It's meant to put real cash in the majority of people's pocket....not just the top 2%.

There are going to be others that can't see it too, because they've been lied to and deceived by so many companies that they couldn't see the truth or the opportunity, if you painted it on their faces. 
Everything to them is a scam. 

So what we're looking for are everyday people, like you and me that want something more....that need something more.  This isn't a
business for an 18 to 28 year old kid still playing video games, making Facebook and other search engines money and still trying to find themselves in this 'jungle.'  We're not saying that there aren't exceptions to the rule, but the percentage is small.

This business is for the 30+, 40+ and 50+ year old that understands something about life....that understands work and commitment.... and wants something that will pay them over and over again for a job well done the first time.  They understand that if they're going to make a change for themselves and their families, the time has to be now and this is the vehicle to do it!

For many of you this is scary.  But being broke and hungry is a lot scarier than starting a new opportunity.  But don't worry.  There is support....there is help.  Our team wants you to be successful and will give you the tools to get there.  But it's not going to happen just by using the tools.  It's going to happen because 'you're sick and tired or being sick and tired' going to come from your passion and your commitment to take this to the top.

One thing that we have that the average 20 year old kid doesn't passion.... and life long lessons learned.  You see... they have to go work for someone for several years, have that person treat them like an animal, pay them at or below poverty level, before they wake-up and figure out that being an entrepreneur....that working for yourself.... is the only way to pull yourself out of the trenches and make a better life for you and your family.  Life has to teach them this and unfortunately some don't learn it until they are in their 40's and their time is almost over.

So, ladies and gentlemen, don't worry about passing this on to the college kids or the youth unless you know they're serious.  Don't worry about the naysayers or the alligators.  And yes, I said alligators.  You see, the alligators are the people with little bitty brains and big mouths.  They are the dream-stealers....they are the one's with the big big mouths that claim to know everything.....they are the one's that know all the answers on 'Jeopardy,' but they don't have any money in their pockets.  Don't worry about them.

In ending, we invite you to lock arms with Team Viradyne and help us become number 1.  If it happens, it won't be because of luck.  It won't be because of chance.  It won't be because of some dumb accident.  It will be because we made it that way.....because we had the vision to see it and the faith to explode it.  Don't let this opportunity pass you up, get started now.  The time it takes you to read this, you could have already signed up, sent your referrals out and started making money.  Click here.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Viradyne Link180 has done it again! They have not only created a great site similar to Yahoo, Bing, MSN or AOL, but they have also allowed anyone that needs to earn more money....anyone that has a passion to do something greater than themselves....anyone that has a vision to do something tap into the $20 billion a year search engine industry that is currently dominated by the Big Four: Yahoo, Google, Bing and AOL. 

All Viradyne Link180 asks is that you make them your homepage and share it with at least 5 other people that do the exact same thing. It's not rocket science and it's not a fly by night business. It's a legitimate work from home business that can mean some real cash.....for You and your family. 

Viradyne Link180 has also made some powerful changes that will help the field (you and me) be more effective.....resulting in more cash in our pockets. Now anytime there is a new signup, the new signup homepage will automatically be set to 'Link180' and they will also receive a Link180 toolbar so that they can do searches no matter what site they go too. So no more trying to hunt people down to show them how to make Link180 their homepage and more revenue from the increased searches. All they have to do is log in, do their normal searches and they are good to go!

Friday, November 11, 2011

We Just Got Paid by Viradyne Link180

How's it going everyone?  I continue to be excited....charged up.....pumped up about what I would consider the greatest business that I've been apart of and an absolute blessing to anyone that dares to open their eyes and see how powerful this business is.  Yes!  I'm talking about Link180....a state-of-the-art customizable search engine that pays.....YOU.... for your loyalty when you make it your homepage and share this absolutely 'wicked' page with 5 others that make it their homepage too.

Now this business sounds simple.....and you know what?  It is.  It's not suppose to be hard.  It's not suppose to be difficult and if you work it fast and work it hard, it'll pay you like nothing you've ever seen before.

What Link180 has done is allowed you....the average tap into the $20 billion online
advertising industry that until now.....YOU were locked out of.  Currently 3 search engines share 97%
of this money:  Bing, Yahoo and Google. 

What Link180 is turning the tables around.  They are rewarding YOU for your loyalty and putting money back into the pockets of you and your family.  Let me ask you a question?  When was the last time you received a check Yahoo?  When was the last time you received a check from Bing, AOL or MSN?  I can tell you this.....I've never received a check or a thank you of any kind and yet by having these guys as my homepage I am one of the millions of contributors that make these companies billions.

Now a few of you are saying, "We get great email,  we get great searches, we get so many great tools."  Sure the tools are nice, but you can get great tools from anywhere.  Besides, the sole purpose of these tools are to keep you using the service and to keep that steady stream of money flowing into the company's pockets....more money than they even know what to do that allow them to spend millions and billions to buy out other companies to insure their dominance and keep you dependent upon them.

So how are these companies able to do it?  Where is the money coming from?  It's simple.  Advertising.  Advertising is the primary means by which the rich get richer.  Anytime there is a place where massive amounts of people come, then advertisers want to be there. Think about the last time you were at a 
fair, concert or sporting event. Were there advertisements?  Yes!!!  It is the bread and butter of any business.  

Facebook, Yahoo, MSN, Bing and all these sites attract a mob of people and capitalize from those advertising dollars.  Link180 is now enabling you to take some of these dollars and put them back into your pocket. For many, an extra $10, $50 or $100 a month would be a blessing.  For others that get the picture, they'll earn thousands to ten's of thousands of dollars a month.  And all this from a site that is totally FREE and doesn't require you to do a thing except for your basic searches. You'd have to almost be blind not to see it.

Now there will always be fearful and misguided people that believe that everyone is out to get their personal information or that everything is a scam.  Link180 doesn't want your personal information and they do pay.  Link180 is not Facebook, Twitter or any of those other sites you are apart of.  They don't want your personal information and they don't care to have it.  Link180 only seeks to give you the best experience possible and pay YOU for helping them become #1.  What could simpler than that?

So if you're a work at home mom, college student, retiree or anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit that is looking to help us build the largest search engine ever and get paid for it, then you've found a home here.

Listen to a couple of our Link180 Viradyne stars!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Link180.CO Pays

How's it going team!  I just wanted to say Hooray!!!! Link180 Viradyne does pay.  Everyone that has at least 5 active 'homepagers'
in their downline was paid.  This continues to be the simplest business on this planet.  What company do you know of that will pay you
cash just for making a great site your homepage and inviting 5 others to do the same?  What company do you know of that will continue
to pay you monthly just for using their search engine for your general searches?  That's right.  No one.  Google won't pay you.  Yahoo won't
pay you.  MSN won't pay you.  No one will.

We are working to unseat #5 AOL and we can't do it without you and without your dedication.   We need everyone to make their general
searches using Link180.  It's a change.....I understand that.  But it's an easy change.  For some of you that are too young to remember
Google and Yahoo in their infancy, they didn't have all these great features automatically.  All this stuff came with time as it will with Link180.
By using the Link180 search engine, we bring more money to the company and to OURSELVES.  When we bring more money to the company, they are
able to make advancements in the site.  They are able to bring in better programmers.  They are able to give us everything needed to create
an absolute tsunami of a site!

Here is a quote I found today:  'I talked to 1,200 people, 900 said No, 300 said Yes, 85 worked, 35 worked harder and 11 made me a Millionaire.'' Bill Britt.

In this business you have keep fighting.  You have to keep pushing forward.  You have to keep believing.  And you have to understand that this is a
numbers game.  It's about how many people can you share this with.  You can't be afraid.  You can't be scared.  You can't be a coward.  If you know
that you have the best product in the world.....If you know that you can change a lot of lives.....If you know that you are unstoppable....then there
is no one in the world that can tell you what you're doing is wrong.
I challenge anyone to show me something easier than this.....something simpler than this.  Something that has the potential of making someone a 
millionaire if they work hard.  No one can, because there isn't anything simpler that asks for less time commitment than what we're doing right now. 
You don't have to have a PHD.  You don't have to be the smartest person in the world.  You just have to have common sense and 
most importantly.....a vision.....and not let some other opportunity that's draining your time and money over shadow what Link180 can do for you and 
your family. 

So Team, right now we are entering the Holiday period. People have money on their minds and how they can make more of it.  There is no better 
time than now to grow your business.  There is no better time than now to set in motion an empire for yourself from a site that is 100% free
and asks for way less personal information than Facebook, Twitter, Linkin and etc. to get started.  There is no better time than now to leave a 
legacy that will forever be in your family's history books.  It's up to you.  You have the right product.  It's the right time.  You just have to
get out there and do it!

Now your question may be:  How do I get started?  What do I do?  
First you need to get people to the pre-recorded webinar.  Second, follow up with them and answer any of their questions.  
Third, make sure they get signed up. Fourth, help them to repeat this process.  Fifth, Continue to invite, invite and invite.
It really is just that simple.  There is no special formula.  Now if you want a customized plan, then you need to join our Facebook
group: Team Viradyne and follow the 30 day plan for success.  It might take some 30 days and it might take some 15 days, but you
work it at your own pace.

Lastly, everyone needs to make sure that Link180 is their homepage on the browser that they use the most.  If you use 2 different
browsers then Link180 needs to be the primary homepage on both browsers.  So please make sure that you check and see if you are 
active.  Non active people don't get paid.  Also, multiple accounts don't help us grow this business.  New blood is what will grow this

My goal is for everyone to get paid.  But it will not and it can't happen if you are not working to make it happen.  This is our business and 
we all have to take ownership in it.  Link180 is taking off is a massive way and if it gets to the size of Google it won't be because of luck.  It will be 
because we saw the vision and we worked to make it a reality.

So with everything said, it's time to work our butts off so that we can all have a great December check.....right before Xmas!  And whatever I can 
do to help you make this happen, just ask.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Viradyne Link180 Pays & Continues To Rock Canada

Viradyne Link180  currently ranked #2990 according to the Alexa rankings out of millions of websites never fails to amaze me.  It just continues to get better and better everyday.  Yesterday (October 15, 2011), I received one of the best emails from Viradyne Link180 that I could have ever received. Here it is:

Yes.  It was an email saying that I received payment.  Payment from a site that is absolutely free.  Payment from a site that does not ask me to download anything.  Payment from a site that doesn't want my personal information.  Can you image that!

Viradyne Link180 is simply a next generation search engine/homepage that pays you when you make it
your homepage and refer others that do the same.  It's just that simple.

The site looks like a Yahoo, MSN, CNN or Bing site, but what makes it different is that you get PAID for your loyalty.  Imagine that!  A company that shares it's revenue with you as a form of appreciation.  I don't know about you, but it's a 'no-brainer' for me.

So if you're looking for an extra $10 a month or an extra $1000 a month, you owe it to yourself (in these difficult times) to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity! Don't be afraid, because you're not alone.  We will help you (step by step) to be successful.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Viradyne Link180's Domination Of Canada

Your SEO optimized title page contents
If you've never heard of Viradyne Link180. If you've never taken a close look at one of the most exciting businesses around, I don't know what to tell you. Viradyne Link180 is a new generation search engine and customizable homepage that pays you when you make it your homepage and share it with 5 other people. It's not a scam. It's not a trick to get your personal information. And it's not a fly-by-night business that's gone the next day. It's a legitimate work from home business that can put some serious cash in your pocket if you can see the opportunity.

 Viradyne Link180 has stumbled upon an untapped $20 billion dollar industry where 3 search engines (Google, Yahoo, & Bing) are sharing 97% of those dollars yearly. The majority of the people reading this blog are contributors to those companies because they've made one of these guys their homepage.....they've made one of them the first page that pops up when they start their internet search.

Yahoo, AOL and Google have all been my homepage from one point to another and they have never ever rewarded me for my loyalty. Sure Yahoo and AOL have great news and Google has great searches, but it would have been even more awesome if they shared some of those profits with me.....even if it was a check for $10 a year because of all the money I made them by looking and clicking on ads from advertisers while doing my daily reading. I mean my bank makes billions a year and I get a small check and many times small gifts at the end of the year because of my loyalty.

So what Viradyne Link180 has proposed is a method of showing value to all those that make them their homepage.....with a monthly cash residual. What could be better than that. In a struggling economy a company is willing to share it's wealth through a medium that people already use and match 10% of what they earn donating it to a charitable organization. Wow! What's even better is that you still get the same great news, sports, videos and etc. except now you get paid for your loyalty. And let's not forget the fresh, clean site that you can customize to your liking. This is a total 'no brainer.' It just makes sense.

Canada has taken a huge hold of this concept and Viradyne Link180 is dominating fast! Canada right now is Viradyne Link180's 5th largest market and it looks like there's no stopping it. Australia, the U.K and the U.S are starting to figure it out and the numbers in these countries are growing. Take a look at the Alexa rankings.

Viradyne Link180 use to depend on Google for all its searches and now with it's very own search engine, is leading the way towards unseating the #4 seed AOL and in all searches done on the internet. So the question is not when are you going to change, but why haven't you done it already? You don't have to worry about paying anything because it's free. You don't have to worry about downloading anything, because there's nothing to download. You don't have to worry about your personal information, because their is very little to give. Ladies and Gentlemen there is no excuse why Viradyne Link180 should not be your homepage. Don't
think about it do it!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What's Your Plan For Extra Christmas Money

There are so many businesses out there that it's sometimes hard to choose what's the best company to invest your time into. When analyzing a business I always look for certain components: free to join, anyone can do it, potential for growth, solid revenue base and a product that everyone uses but no one has truly capitalized on it yet. I've always found businesses that have fit those components and I've made quite a bit of money, but the earnings eventually begin to dwindle because of one thing: human nature.....the lack of commitment.

 Free businesses like PeopleString that have the potential to put $100's to $1000's to 10's of thousands of dollars per month in the pocket of the average joe or average jane worldwide, if they commit to a 6 minutes a day short activity, don't realize it's true potential because of this lack of commitment. So after analyzing tons of companies, there is one company that I believe has truly broken the code.

A lot of people will say that they've broken the code, but they really haven't. A lot of companies will say that they've found the golden egg, but they really haven't. This company not only has all the right components, but the timing is perfect! Viradyne Link180. They have taken an acceptable business model and tweaked it so that now YOU earn money from it and tap into the $20 billion a year industry that will make many a sizable income.

Viradyne Link180 is simple a new customizable search engine like AOL, MSN, Google, Yahoo, CNN or Bing. The only difference between their search engine and ours is that Viradyne Link180 is customizable and they pay you for your loyalty. They pay you when you make them your homepage. Many of you reading this have had AOL, Yahoo, CNN, Facebook and etc. as your homepage for years, but one thing I can guarantee is that even though those companies earn millions to billions a year because you've made them your homepage, they have never sent you a thank you check for being loyal to them. I had Yahoo as my homepage for years and before that AOL and no one ever even sent me a thank you.

Now some of you reading this won't understand and may not even care, but every entrepreneur and every person looking to put some bread on the table will care. They'll want to know how these companies do it and how can they cash in. If you remember, I said that this was a $20 billion dollar industry funded by ADVERTISING. Advertising is big business. And just like Facebook, if you are able to bring massive amounts of people to a site.....the advertisers will line up in droves. Because they can't sell their products, if they don't have your eyeballs to see them.

So Yahoo, Google and Bing share 97% of the $20 billion per year generated through search engine advertising. Wow! And the other 3% is shared between #4, and the other search engines out there. Viradyne Link180 is now in 4 countries and growing fast: the U.S, Canada, Australia and the U.K. With more countries opening up soon.

This is a worldwide opportunity where everyone can earn and for those that see the opportunity in this, it will be life-changing! The business is simple. You sign up, make Viradyne Link180 your homepage, Log in (never logging out) and spread the word. Viradyne Link180 still has all the great news that you love and a world class search engine to do your searches. And remember, you can customize your links with greater customizable features coming very soon.

After you refer Viradyne Link180 to 5 friends and they become active, you will then earn .50 cents to $1 per month per person on your 1st level. This is based on advertising. Your first level goes into infinity. You will then earn money from the people that they refer and that those people refer 8 levels deep. So if you personally refer 1000 people, then you may earn as little as $500 per month to as much as $1000 per month just from your personal referrals. Not even mentioning those that are in your downline. But let's say you just earned .30 cents per person on your 1st level. That would still be awesome! $300 per month from just your first level on a site that is 100% free and you're not required to click anything or do anything. You just get great news and a phenomenal search engine. Viradyne Link180 pays you once a month via ACH (direct deposit) or Alertpay which is like Paypal. This is a business that will pay you beyond the Thanksgiving,
Hanukkah and Christmas Season holiday season. Don't think about doing it, do it!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Link180 Helping The Average Family In These Struggling Times

So everyone has heard about Link180, but not everyone really understands it and how it can help their family in these struggling economic times. Simply put, Link180 is the next generation customizable homepage/search engine like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, CNN and more. What makes Link180 different from every other homepage/search engine is that you are paid for making it your homepage and sharing it with 5 other people who make it their homepage too. You also have the ability to change where your standardized links take you to. For example, Yahoo's 'mail' link will only take you to Yahoo's mail, but Link180's 'mail' link will take you to whatever email service you like whether it's PeopleString's powerful email service or Gmail's worldwide recognizable email service. It's really all up to you or you can leave your links preset to the most popular sites that are on the internet.

Is the service free? Link180 is 100% free. You will never be asked for any money.

How do I earn money? You simply make Link180 your homepage and you share the site with 5 other people that make it their homepage.

What's a homepage? When you click on your browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome) to connect to the internet, the first webpage that opens up is your homepage.

What if I don't want to change my homepage? To get paid, you do need to change your homepage. But there is a way to make Link180 and your other favorite site your homepage. Link180 just has to be first. It's very simple and we have videos and team support to show you how.

Will I be sacrificing great news? No way! Link180 has the hottest news right at your fingertips and remember it's a customizeable website to bring what you like to the forefront.

How does Link180 earn money? Simple. The same acceptable model that Google, Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing and more use to earn money is that same model that Link180 uses. The difference is that those guys don't pay you for your loyalty and Link180 does.

Do I have to download anything? No. Link180 is a website like every other standard website. There is nothing to download.

How much do I get paid? You will be paid anywhere from .50 cents to $1 per person. Your first level horizontally goes to infinity and goes 8 vertically. So you will earn money when those that you refer, refer others and they refer others and so on and so forth all the way down 8 levels.

Does Link180 share my personal information? Like Facebook, Google or any site on the internet there is information shared. Any information gathered by Link180 is to make your experience on Link180 better. Your information will not be sold. You will receive an occasional email from the company letting you know about enhancements, milestones and etc. It may be possible you may receive an email from a partner of Link180, but nothing intrusive. If you don't want emails, we suggest using an email address other than your main email address when signing up.

How do we get paid? You are paid using Alertpay and ACH (direct deposit) Alertpay is a payment service like Paypal and it free and very well-known.

Is this a worldwide opportunity? Yes. Currently anyone can sign up and grow an organization, but until the company officially launches in those countries payment will not be made. The U.S has already launched and first payout is slated for October 15th. Australia, the U.K and Canada are in pre-launch until October 1st when they will officially launch. First payout day for those countries will be November 15th. Just in time for Christmas. Once those countries launch, more countries will be put into the pre-launch phase. So the time to build is now.

Is it difficult to share this? Was it difficult to get people to join Myspace, Facebook, Google+ or any of these social networks out there? What if you were paid $1 a month for each friend you have on Myspace, Facebook, Google+, etc., would that be exciting? This is what Link180 is opportunity to get paid for something that people are already doing....reading what's going on in the world, checking their mail
and doing searches.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A few months ago, I was addressed with this question: "What if you could earn additional money doing something that you already do....without having to do tedious tasks everyday or be committed to investing money? Well being in internet marketing, I was use to these types of questions.... but because I'm an entrepreneur by nature, I was interested in what this guy was talking about. So, I told him sure. Tell me what you got. He said there was a next generation homepage/search engine that would generate me money by making it my homepage and referring it to 5 other people. He had my full attention right away. My next question was what do I have to do and how much will all this cost me. He said, all I would have to do is make it my homepage and do my searches using the Google tool bar. There is no fee.....ever. This sounded way to easy. My next question was, "Where is the money coming from and how will I be paid." He said, "Viradyne Link180 is a website just like Yahoo, MSN, AOL and etc. The model that they use to generate money, through advertising, is the same acceptable model that they and many other websites use. So every penny comes from advertising. Think about Facebook. How does a free to join site become valued in the billions of dollars. Where does the money come from? Any time you are able to get masses of people to one place that groups of people visit regularly, it is an advertisers dream and they spend big money to put their products in front of the eyes of the public. Making Viradyne Link180, your homepage gives the advertisers the opportunity to do that and because of your loyalty to Viradyne Link180, they share the profits." As I soon learned, payments will be made once a month and paid either by ACH (Direct Deposit) or Alertpay which is similar to Paypal. I also learned that for each person you refer after you get 5 active people, you will earn .50 cents to $1 per month which is huge. That means that if you were responsible for referring 10,000 people then you would get a check for $10,000 on the high side or $5,000 on the low end. But what if you just earned .30 cents per person? That would still be're talking about $3000 per month for something that is totally free and that people are doing anyway. Currently Viradyne Link180 is in the U.S, but it is also in Pre-Launch in the U.K, Canada and Australia. It will officially launch in those countries on October 1, 2011. Once those countries launch, more countries will go into Pre-Launch. People that are reading this blog have the opportunity in all these countries to grow a massive organization and make some serious money especially in these economic times where being entrepreneurial will be you best means of creating additional income.